Summer 2024 ski programming
March 2025 Update: We don’t have our summer schedule laid out yet except for our U23 programming. Stay tuned for the rest of the programming details.
We have summer ski training programs for those ages 8-88! Check out the details below. Questions? First check out our FAQs, then reach out to our coaching staff. Remember that the Craftsbury eNews is a great way to stay on top of the latest program news; you can subscribe to that here if you’re not already a member.
For All Programs
Craftsbury Membership (required - this is our equivalent to a trail pass)
All program participants must have a Craftsbury Outdoor Center membership—this is a prerequisite to registering for any program. Program fees are then addition to the membership cost. Luckily, our memberships are good for a full year and are priced very competitively at $25 for kids under 14; $50 for students/seniors; $75 for adults; or $150 per family. You can read more information about membership here.
Program Registration and Fees
Program registration will be open from May 1 until June 1 or whenever programs fill. Registration is open at the link below. Please note that you will be prompted to create a membership profile if you haven’t already. Scholarships are available—check out the Kathy Wright Memorial Scholarship Fund for details.
Coaching Staff
Learn more about our coaches here.
Contact Info
Email:; Phone: (802)-538-0981. Communication will take place primarily through Slack. You’ll get an invitation to our Slack workspace in your program registration confirmation email.
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Schedule overview
Summer BKL
Our summer BKL program is for kids ages 8-13 who are not only enthusiastic about going outside and being active, but also very excited about improving their off-season skiing fundamentals, such as rollerskiing and running. Especially motivated 12-13-year-olds should ask coaches about the U14 comp program. This year, summer BKL meets once a week. Activities will include running, hill bounding, rollerskiing, strength, potentially some biking, and the occasional foray into/onto the lake, with a healthy mix of fun and games! Those BKLers who are looking for additional summer opportunities are encouraged to participate in in our summer Tuesday Night Race series (this year with kids’ specific races distances!) and/or our Wednesday Bike Club. In the summer of 2024, we hope to offer sporadic BKL-friendly adventures, such as some family hikes, coach bandwidth/availability permitting!
Program Dates
Starts: Thursday, June 6th. Ends: early October.
Practice Days/Times
Thursdays @ 4:00pm - 5:00pm
Program Fee
All participants in this group are required to have: running shoes, active clothing, and a bike helmet. Ideally participants would have a mountain bike, too, but lack of a bike shouldn’t discourage anyone from joining. Use of rollerski equipment while at practice is included in the program fee (this is for summer BKL participants only—older kids need to rent their rollerski gear). Participants have the option to rent rollerski equipment for the season if they anticipate using it outside of practice, but this is discouraged unless under the supervision of an experienced family member.
U14 Competitive
Our U14 competitive program is designed for kids ages 12-14 who are highly experienced; love racing; are highly comfortable on rollerskis and mountain bikes (or are confident they can develop a high level of proficiency very quickly!); and are eager to make a jump in training with an eye toward joining the high school-aged programs within the next year or two. Training includes rollerskiing, pole-running, running, strength training, mountain biking and other activities. The U14 comp group will be closely aligned with our junior programs. U14s are encouraged to participate in the Center’s summer bike programming if they choose.
Program Dates
Starts: Wednesday, May 8. Ends: mid October.
Practice Days/Times
SPRING: From May 8 through June 18:
- Wednesdays @ 4:00pm
- Sundays @ 9:00am
SUMMER: From June 20 until August 26:
- Tuesdays @ 9:00am
- Thursdays @ 9:00am
- Sundays @ 9:00am
FALL: from August 26 until mid-October (tentative):
- Wednesdays @ 4:00pm
- Sundays @ 9:00am
*Note: practices typically last about 75-90 minutes, but vary some with the activity.
Program Fee
All participants must have running shoes and active clothing; a mountain bike and helmet; and a skate rollerski setup, which may be their own or rented from the club (or a combination thereof). Rollerski equipment is not included in the program fee but may be rented here.
As with the winter, this summer we’re rolling our former “High School Competitive” and “Eastern Cup Racing” programs into one. The Junior program is for all experienced high school-aged skiers who are excited about training, racing, and being part of a team. Although our group will be large and diverse, we’re planning to staff accordingly to meet everyone’s needs. We expect to have some skiers who are focused exclusively on high school racing and others who are eager to compete at regional, national, and international levels.
This group has training options 5 days per week. Participants will choose their commitment level at registration but are expected to attend practices at least 2 days per week (whenever possible—we understand that when in season for other sports, this is complicated and perhaps not possible), follow a training plan on days not at Craftsbury, and keep a training log. Participation in summer training is highly encouraged for those interested in joining our winter program. Interested skiers who have not trained at all with Craftsbury before should contact coach Anna Schulz as soon as possible prior to registering. Training includes running, bounding, pole-running, rollerskiing, strength training, mountain biking, and some long distance adventures.
Program Dates
Starts: Friday, May 3. Ends: late October.
Practice Days/Times
SPRING: From May 3 until June 18:
- Wednesdays @ 4:00pm
- Fridays @ 4:00pm
- Sundays @ 9:00am
SUMMER: From June 18 until August 26:
- Tuesdays @ 9:00am
- Wednesdays @ 9:00am
- Thursdays @ 9:00am
- Fridays @ 9:00am
- Sundays @ 9:00am
FALL: from August 26 until late October (tentative):
- Wednesdays @ 4:00pm
- Fridays @ 4:00pm
- Sundays @ 9:00am
Program Fee
$300 for 2 days/week;
$400 for 3 days/week;
$500 for 4+ days/week
All participants must have running shoes and active clothing; a mountain bike and helmet; and both a skate AND classic rollerski setup, which may be their own or rented from the club (or a combination thereof). Rollerski equipment is not included in the program fee but may be rented here.
U20/U23 College Training
There is now one summer training group for all collegiate athletes. Full info.
While we occasionally incorporate biathlon into our regular programming, we also offer additional biathlon practices for those wishing to hone their skills. Our extra biathlon sessions are currently only for skiers who are both
already enrolled in one of our other summer ski programs
and at LEAST 9 years of age at the time the program starts.
We have two different groups for biathlon:
BKL biathlon – 1 practice/week
Junior/U14 biathlon – 2 practices/week
Sub-groups will be assigned by coaches.
Our biathlon sessions are run by our experienced biathlon coaches with occasional assistance from GRP biathletes (current and retired). Please note: biathlon schedules are subject to change slightly depending on the number of enrollees in any given program and coach availability. This is to keep everyone safe.
Program Dates
- BKL biathlon: starts Thursday, June 6. Ends late September/early October.
- Junior & U14 biathlon: starts Wednesday, May 8. Ends mid-October.
Practice Days/Times
SPRING: starting at the dates above until June 18:
- BKL biathlon = Thursdays @ 5:00pm
- Junior & U14 comp biathlon = Wednesdays @ 5:30pm
SUMMER: From June 18 until August 26:
- BKL biathlon = Thursdays @ 3:00pm
- Junior & U14 comp biathlon = Tuesdays and Thursdays @ ~10:30am, aiming for 2-4 workouts per month integrated into ski practice
FALL: Schedule TBA
Program Fee
- $125 for 1 day/week (includes use of ammo and rifles)
- $250 for 2 days/week (includes use of ammo and rifles) - Junior & U14 comp only
All participants in this group will be required to have whatever equipment is necessary for their general summer ski training program.
Apparently, not all adult skiers identify as masters! We’re working on renaming this group so that it’s clearly welcoming to all adults who are motivated to ski train. We offer twice-weekly summer training for Masters/adults.
Program Dates
Starts: Wednesday, May 22. Ends: early October.
Practice Days/Times
- Wednesdays @ 4:00pm
- Sundays @ 9:00am
- additional adventure days, TBD
Program Fee
- $125 for 1 day/week
- $250 for 2 days/week
All participants in this group will be required to have: running shoes, active clothing, and ideally bounding poles as well.
Green Racing Project
This training group is our elite training program primarily for individuals who are pursuing post-collegiate racing at the highest levels. More information is available on the GRP website.