Tuesday Night Race Series Begins June 1
Happy runners under a rainbow!
The Tuesday Night Series is back! We are excited to invite runners and mountain bikers to the singletrack of the Craftsbury Outdoor Center every Tuesday evening beginning June 1 and ending August 24. Race options include: 5k of running, 5k or 10k of biking, and a 3k kids fun run! The races will be held primarily on singletrack and will alternate courses each week.
Houseguests and annual members receive a free race entry for this year, online preregistration is REQUIRED, but the perennial favorite of the giant cookie raffle still remains. Bib pickup and check in starts at 5:00pm each Tuesday-even though you’ve preregistered online PLEASE come check-in, we need to know you’re actually here!
Bikers will start at 5:45. For least the month of June, we are still limited on event size and procedure by State of Vermont COVID19 guidelines. We’ll begin the series in June with wave starts then aim to shift to mass starts as the guidelines evolve. To this end, we’ll be limited to one bike wave of 25 racers, but we’ll have no cap on runners. Each run wave will have 15-25 folks depending on total race numbers and we have to have even sized waves. Run wave #1 will go off at 6:00pm, followed by wave #2 at 6:05, etc. We’ll assign waves and times when you check-in to race, which is another race is make sure you check-in!
As usual, there’ll be some awesome season-end prizes, so lace up those sneakers and see you soon! See full race details, including COVID19 protocols, here and again, preregister here.