TNR #1 Results
The first summer Tuesday Night Race of 2021 is under our belts. Yesterday, 22 racers toed the line in the opening race of the season. First, I’ll apologize for a few technical difficulties. We had a small course marking error, sending the biker riders astray. We are sorry and will have this sorted out for next week. And our aim will be to share results earlier than we were able to this week, but a northern Vermont wide internet outage was not working in our favor. But back to the racing!
And they’re off!
In our inaugural kids 3k fun run, we had three kids, each with parents in toe. Joe Krebs crossed the finish line first, followed by Finn Nunery then Willa Nunery. This race is extra fun, as bibs are optional but smiles are mandatory.
David Moody was the lone contestant in the 5k bike division, while there were three racers in the 10k division with Phil Lawson being the fastest.
In the 5k run, Audrey Mangan was the speediest of all 15 racers, followed by Matt Moody then Eloise Girard. To round out the men’s podium, we had Sean Mack then Robert Linck while Cydney Terrone was the third-place women.
Congratulations to all these runners for dusting off their racing shoes and donning a bib at the 1st TNR of the season. We look forward to welcoming you back next week. See full race details and sign up here. Remember, pre-registration is required and you may win a giant cookie! See full results here.
Willa demonstrating excellent kids race paraphernalia: a cookie, a smile, and a bib!