Even with all the natural options for exercise around Craftsbury, some movements are best accomplished in the gym, with the right equipment. Our gym offers a wide variety strength training equipment such as barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells and medicine balls - along with their attendant racks etc. For aerobic exercise, we offer all three varieties of Concept2 ergs: rowers, SkiErgs and BikeErgs.
See current schedule. Generally, the gym is open for use during the following hours:
5:00 - 8:00am
12:00 - 3:30pm
7:00 - 9:00pm
Open Gym access is included for guests staying at the Outdoor Center, and can be purchased by community members after you have annual membership. After you have your annual membership, passes cost:
12 months - $100
3 months - $40
1 day - $10
Either membership runs for the subsequent number of months (e.g. a 3-month gym membership that was purchased on December 1st would be valid until March 1st). Open gym users must be 18 or older to use gym unsupervised.
In addition to being a community fitness resource, our gym is used by our junior ski programs and our Green Racing Project teams. These groups largely do their gym training outside of Open Gym hours, but occasionally do overlap based on seasonal training needs and other demands at the Center. Whenever overlap occurs with community users, program coaches and athletes are aware that the space is shared and are happy to work with open gym users so that everyone can complete their workout.
Stay in touch with the current class schedule at our fitness calendar.
Questions? Reach us with program questions at fitness@craftsbury.com, tech questions at membersupport@craftsbury.com.