Craftsbury Conversations: Nick Brown
Nick with Caitlin in Falun, Sweden after Caitlin's best World Cup finish
Meet Nick Brown, the GRP wax tech/ski guru for the Nordic ski and Biathlon teams. The interview and article was written by Hallie Grossman and photos were taken by Caitlin Patterson, both members of the GRP ski team.
Nick Brown is the GRP ski team’s wax tech and ski guru. Nick has been working with the skiers full time for four years now, and on-and- off before that. When the team is on the road, Nick is there too, whether to local Eastern Cup races or to World Cups. Last year he split his time between domestic races and World Cups, including going to Europe to support Caitlin and to Canada with Kait. Nick is a waxing extraordinaire and has the ability to make really good skis for us regardless of the conditions, which is a huge part of a successful ski race.
Nick and Pepa testing skis.
Nick grew up in New Hampshire and attended the University of New Hampshire, before moving West. He currently spends a substantial part of the year in Colorado, but is constantly working on GRP projects. Keeping up with suppliers, placing equipment orders, and planning logistics is a year round task. He also helps his partner, Sara, with her garden design and maintenance business. When not engaged in GRP or garden duties, or waxing skis, Nick likes “picking skis. Or testing wax.” Or putting that all aside, he likes to cook, fly fish and explore in the mountains. When we go to Europe for our annual fall training trip, he is sure to have his via ferrata-ing gear with him, showing how game he is for all adventures.
Before coming to Craftsbury, where “Pepa,” was the reason for his return East, Nick worked at the Colorado Rocky Mountain School. He was part of the math department and lived in the dorms, while spending time outdoors leading backpacking trips and coaching cycling and skiing. Along this vein, Nick noted that he isn’t certain what unites the various work that he done and continues to do, but that he likes “working to remove barriers so people can excel and/ or find open doors.” This fits nicely with what Nick likes most about his job with the GRP: “work hard to help people be their best.” This is evident in everything that Nick does. He constantly strives to make us better athletes and people in general, always lending a hand with skis and a listening ear to whatever we are talking about, whether skiing related or not.