Wednesday? Must Be Endurathon Day!
Willoughby Lake Fun
The traditional running camp athletic fest that is Endurathon Day went off without a hitch yesterday. With glorious sunshine and spirited athletes, the day-long extravaganza flowed seamlessly.
We start the day with an easy trail or road run or even a swim. Next up? Biking 10 miles to Irasburg where we stash our bikes in the shed behind Ray's Market. With the vans chock full of athletic kit, sack lunches and water coolers, we pile in and drive to Mt. Pisgah. Two hours later we've summited, posed for pics and marveled at the endless views.
Once at the van, hikers transform back into runners and we are off and running the 6 miles back to the Westmore beach. One by one, the arriving runners are cheered and minutes later we are all swimming and cavorting in the crisp, clean water. Lunches and watermelon are just the ticket after all of the exertion and the topper is some yummy ice cream in Barton.
Last leg of the day? Retrieving the bikes from Ray's Market and enjoying a leisurely jaunt home to the Center.
Endurathon Day: run, bike, hike, run, swim and bike. Yeah, we're crazy!