Updated: Summer weekly programming & Covid
2020 VT3 is cancelled, but we hope to have some degree of TNR20 before the end of the summer. Chris Williams photo of BMB racer Chris Ziegler during the 2019 event.
Last Update: 26 June 20
We've cancelled our sculling and running camps, but what about all our weekly programs? We are doing our best to get all of them going at the earliest safe opportunity per the guidance of the Statehouse and CDC. Stay tuned to our website, social media and enews for the latest. Some programs we can comment on in a bit more depth:
Fitness classes:
CrossFit is renamed CraftFit and offers two classes per week. Gyms remain closed to public.
Tuesday Night Races:
While we cannot yet host our favorite weekly race night at the Outdoor Center, our goal is to continue the Tuesday Night Races in a socially distanced format by offering a local course each week that runners and bikers can complete on their own and submit their time via email. Read more.
CommRow & Thursday night track practice:
We still have some logistics to address. We began reaching out to our community track group with on-your-own track-style workouts later in May. Email running@craftsbury.com if you want to join the community running email list!
The VT3 Bike Race
Even without pandemics, this is a big undertaking. We’re going to be back in 2021 with this event.
Bike Club and Women's MTB clinics:
We cannot figure out how to do these safely at this time, so we are going to try to come up with something else once it is okay to get folks together. The hope is to be able to offer limited-size clinics once we feel comfortable allowing crowds at the Center. This goes for both Bike Club and the women’s clinics.
BKL camp:
BKL Camp is August 17-21 this year, and given the restrictions on travel and other covid measures, we're limiting the programming to our year-round participants. Sign up goes live July 1. Cancellation policy is super flexible given the challenges we all face presently.
Ski & biathlon programming:
While we're not accepting new registrations, we did start some small group summer training sessions this week. Yes, getting kids together invariably carries some level of risk of COVID. We're working to minimize that risk, via:
- No indoor gym time yet; planning for low occupancy/increased spacing when we do move indoors
- <10/group for training
- appropriate spacing for all training
- No group commutes/vans
- Masking when not moving
- No contact sports/games
It’ll be different, and requires a willingness to be flexible and adapt. All the same, we want to try. Practices are currently only being offered for athletes in BKL comp and older.
We will adhere to all state rules/regulations, as well as follow our own COC policies and practice good judgement. We have written a set of COVID-related policies and procedures that all athletes/parents must review and sign.
We want our athletes and families to know that there is no pressure from us to participate. Everyone’s situation is different and we understand that. If you’re not comfortable participating in summer training at this time, no hard feelings from us.
We've collected some materials on outdoor safety during this time in this blog post. Stay home, stay safe!