Results: Singletrack Shootout 18
Girls ripping in the kids bike race (Photo: Caitlin Patterson).
A sea of racers, volunteers, and spectators (Photo: Caitlin Patterson).
Last Updated: 08.Oct.2018
This year's Fall Fest Singletrack Shootout was a resounding success! With 116 biathlon competitors spread out over eleven categories, this was the event's biggest year yet. First, a huge thank you to all the volunteers who make this event possible, from veteran helpers to competitors who hung around just a bit too long and got recruited to help! New this year, we had a kids race, giving youngsters an opportunity to try out biathlon while running or biking a shorter distance. These competitors, ages 9-13, ran or biked four loops and shot three times. In the adult races, everyone shot four times and ran or biked five loops. In the expert divisions, racers shot prone twice and standing twice. In the novice divisions, racers shot prone assisted by shooting blocks four times.
Expert men bike: Xavier Koontz-Miller (14 misses)
Expert men run: Jake Brown (5 misses)
Expert women run: Susan Dunklee (4 misses)
Novice women run: Kristen Courcelle (7 misses)
Novice men run: Alex Jinks (5 misses)
Novice women bike: Megan Petroski (0 misses) Megan had the only clean shooting of the day-congratulations!
Novice bike men: Chris Burnham (9 misses)
Kids boys run: Sage Grossi (6 misses)
Kids girls bike: Winter Vetrone (8 misses)
Kids boys bike: Denali Payson (7 misses)
Kids girls run: Aemilia Terrone (15 misses)