Fitness class resumes at Craftsbury
While our gym remains closed to the public, we’re pleased to announce that we’ve resumed two classes/week of functional fitness program, CraftFit, Thursdays, at 4:00 and 4:45pm - pre-registration is REQUIRED.
“Wait…I thought that was CrossFit?” It was. However, given the racist remarks of CrossFit founder Greg Glassman on Twitter, we cut all ties with the CrossFit brand and rebranded. CraftFit is our new name, and sessions promise to continue developing functional fitness for participants with fun, challenging workouts. Classes will tackle the ten essential aspects of fitness that our former CrossFitters will be familiar with: Endurance (cardiovascular and respiratory), Stamina, Strength, Flexibility, Power, Speed, Coordination, Agility, Balance and Accuracy. We train these qualities into our bodies by employing high intensity, short duration workouts that vary daily, and use real-world movements.
Pre-COVID 19 shutdown, the formerly CrossFit sessions were taught three times per week by Nick Petterssen and Cady Hart of Green Mountain Community Fitness in Berlin and Hyde Park. Nick & Cady will focus on restarting GMCF and hope to rejoin us in Craftsbury later this summer. In the meantime, new CraftFit classes are taught by Jake Barton, Steve Whelpley, and other in-house COC coaches.
At this time, classes are at 4:00pm and 4:45pm on Thursdays and are outside-only in the interest of mitigating the potential risk of COVID-19. Sign-up ahead of time is now required (by State of Vermont) and each 45-minute class is capped at 10 participants - no double dipping! One class, per participant, per day! Sign up opens on MONDAY before the class of the week.
No sign-up? No class - you will be turned away, even if you're a regular. Registrants will be asked to agree to a set of COVID guidelines.
We strongly recommend you warm-up on your own ahead of class time, so we can maximize our time with you during the session.
Classes are FREE for the time being. When we return to our regular rate, classes are $5/session for Members, $10/class for Non-members. Not a member? Fix that here. Craftsbury houseguests are also welcome to attend these classes at no cost.
Want to get up-to-date CraftFit class notifications? Request to be added to our Google Group. You will be automatically added once you register for your first class.
This program is open to all levels.
Building core-d strength with logs.