CNSC BKL Biathletes Race at Holiday Sprints
Amelia Circosta rounds the penalty loop on her way back out on course
On Sunday, many of our CNSC BKL biathletes took to the race trails and the range for their first biathlon race of the season: the Holiday Biathlon Sprints! Everyone skied three laps and shot two times as is typical in a sprint race, but the shooting type, whether two prone shootings, or one prone and one standing, was age and ability dependent.
In the U13 boys, race, Liam Vile was 1st and Zebediah Whitlock was 2nd, each hitting nine targets! They shot in the prone position on standing targets, with the assistance of a block. The U15 racers shot prone two times, both on prone targets with a cuff. In the U15 boys race, Charlie Krebs was 2nd, hitting two targets. In the U15 girls race, Amelia Circosta was 1st, with seven hits and Ruth Krebs was second with five hits.
Nice going everybody! Complete results coming soon on the website.