'23 Winter Operations Plan
Happily, COVID is in a much different point than it was the past several years. The Center is another big step closer to full pre-pandemic operations. In addition to our COVID policy, we wanted to highlight some pertinent details for day-skiers, snowshoers and fatbikers this winter.
Touring Center allows indoor access
The Touring Center will be open to the public for indoor access, including equipment rentals and lesson bookings. Rentals and lessons will be at the end of the lodge off the big deck, with space for guests and day-users on the side closer to the road.
Masks are not required, but guests are encouraged to wear masks if they prefer an additional level of safety.
The Event Shed (low building immediately to the south of the Lodge) will be open most days for additional space.
You can still save time by purchasing your membership (day or annual) online before coming to the Outdoor Center.
2023 Activity Center layout.
Indoor restrooms accessible again
AC Gym toilets and changing spaces re-open to the public.
The toilet trailer remains in the parking lot for additional capacity.
Cafe remains closed
Packaged pre-made snacks and hot and cold drinks will be available thru the ski shop, but the full lunch-service cafe remains closed.
We are again partnering with the Front Seat Coffee food truck on weekends, holidays and event days this winter. We hope to partner with other food trucks for big events and busy weekends. Stay tuned for schedule and menu details.
Wax room is open
Our public wax room will be open to the public.
We are continuing our ban on the use of fluorinated waxes at the Outdoor Center. Even if you wax at home, please do not bring skis with fluoros on them to COC.
We have a limited number of small wax cabins in the lower lot that will be available for events. Reservations will be made online, and found from the individual event.
Conditions, webcams, weather stations, day-passes, memberships and more
Not a change, but worth pointing out - TONS of information is available under “conditions & more”.
That's our current summary of winter ‘23 operations. Hit us with any questions at skishop@craftsbury.com.