2023 Genny Tenny Results

Some eager 5k runners toed the line today!
127 Runners challenged themselves with two courses for the 2023 Genny Tenny. Beyond the podiums for fastest competitors, the biggest winner was the Albany Community Trust (ACT) as any profits from the event help them support and motivate the growth and prosperity of Albany.
The 10-mile event is the traditional distance of the event, now in its new spring timeslot after years as a late summer/early fall run. Taking the wins were Nick Orlando (South Burlington, VT) and Craftsbury's own Audrey Mangan, in 1:02:25.9 and 1:14:22.7.
Also new this year was the 5k race distance, with Ross Lieblappen (Middlesex, VT) and Jessica Bolduc (Craftsbury) taking the wins. The 5k field was full of many young rippers - the majority of the 57 starters were under 15, with many of them participants in Vermont's Girls' on the Run programming (GOTR). The Genny Tenny is a great local option to test out their fitness in advance of the Celebratory GOTR 5k in Essex June 3.
Find full results for both distances, as well as for our many walkers who completed the challenge as well. Special note should be made of our two VT Double Dirt Challenge participants who will be completing back to back 10-milers between the Genny Tenny and the Adamant 10-miler tomorrow! Go get 'em John Hackney and Matthew Caldwell! Best of luck tomorrow!
As mentioned earlier, this new high in participants raised funds for the Albany Community Trust, a non-profit that formed in response to the fire of the general store in 2013. They have brought the store back successful, and are gearing up for programs both near-term and longer-range. They are looking forward to hosting an art exhibit late spring/early summer, as well as coordinating with the Vermont Council on Rural Development to start the Community Visit Process. The Community Visit is a way for towns to engage and bring together their residents, set common goals and directions in a neutral and facilitated structure, and access resources that will help them take action on those goals.
Thanks so much to all our generous volunteers without the event wouldn't exist as well as all the participants whose ebullient enthusiasm further brightened a beautiful spring day here in Vermont.