2024 USBA Trials: Day 2 Sprint
Another warm day in Craftsbury. Photo - Josh Hummel
1) Paul Schommer, Ariens Nordic Center/Team Birkie
2) Bjorn Westervelt, Craftsbury GRP
3) Jean-Nicolas de Broeck, Chelsea Nordiq
Paul Schommer, Ariens Nordic Center/Team Birkie, men’s winner on the range. - Photo Josh Hummel
Second place Bjorn Westervelt, GRP. Photo - Phil Belena
Nikolas Burkhart, Crosscut Mountain Sports Center, 3rd American. Photo - Phil Belena
1) Chloe Levins
2) Michaela Keller-Miller, Craftsbury GRP
3) Lexie Madigan, Team 1,5
Day 2 was another sprint race of short laps on the Center's manmade loop. Challenging conditions in some corners and uphills greeted racers as the warmth continued. Cold temperatures and snow are forecast to return to Craftsbury later today.
The men's race had more than a little sense of déjà vu as the podium was repeated exactly, with some increased time gaps and improved shooting. Schommer went clean today with Westervelt missing 1 in standing. Just off the podium was actually more action in the race for points and coveted European race starts as the GRP's Luke Brown had an off day while Crosscut's Nikolas Burkhart and GRP's Tim Cunningham swapped places from yesterday. Given the greater time back on Wednesday, points for the day may not be as strong as Tuesday.
Chloe Levins, Women’s winner. Photo - Josh Hummel
Chloe Levins took another win on the women's side, by 26s over the GRP's Michaela Keller-Miller who improved her shooting performance from yesterday, going 0/2 to win silver over Lexie Madigan who also shot 0/2. Madigan had no answer for Keller-Miller's ski speed though, despite Madigan's better range times.
Michaela Keller-Miller, Women’s second place. Photo - Josh Hummel
Find photos from today at Phil Belena's website and Josh Hummel's gallery here.
Lexie Madigan, Team 1,5, 3rd placed woman. Photo - Phil Belena