Skiathlon TNR #11
Update: TNR #11 Results
Tuesday’s skiathlon results can be found here!
Several BKL racers took on the one-lap option (one lap each of classic and skate). Anika Leahy took first, with Charlie Kehler and Ruth Krebs just behind her in second and third.
For the two-lap each race, Orion Cenkl was the overall winner, taking the win decisively over second-place Jamie Biggam. Eric Remick followed up in third.
The top female skier was Rose Wilson in first, followed by Trina Hosmer in second and Linda Ramsdell in third.
The top three one-lappers swap their skis in the transition zone
Skiathlon TNR #11
This week’s Tuesday Night Race is taking on the skiathlon format, so get your skate and classic skis ready! Racers will begin the race with the classic technique for two laps around Lemon’s Haunt, after which they will come through the stadium to the ski exchange zone to swap for skate equipment, then return to the course for another two laps of Lemon’s.
The ski exchange zone will be in the upper field. Though most skate boots should be fine to use for the whole race, the Touring Center has combi boots for rent should you wish to do so.
As always, registration runs from 3:15-3:45, and we encourage you to pre-register if you haven’t already. The race will kick off at 4:00. Feel free to email with any questions! You can find full series info here.
Skis all lined up at last year’s skiathlon TNR