Virtual Community Fitness: Workout #5. 80's edition
If the though of another at-home strenght workout in this blistering heat gest you down, don’t fret! We’ve added some pizzazz to this weekly workout. It still follows the same tried and true format: warmup, balance (or other auxiliary activity), circuit, stretching cool down, but there’s quite the outfit and some silly music involved. See the video (but don’t try to listen too hard for the music, it’s quite soft).
Run in place
1. Warmup. About 30 seconds of each movement.
1. Run in place
2. High knees
3. Hopscotch
4. Arm circles
5. Arm raises
6. Inchworm
Right leg balance
3. Balance. About 15 seconds for each.
1. Left leg
2. Right leg
3. Left leg swing
4. Left leg eyes closed
5. Right leg eyes closed
Dancing crab
3. Circuit. 3 or 4 times. 40 seconds on, 20 seconds off.
1. Air squat
2. Skip in place
3. Squat floor tap
4. Jane Fonda left
5. Jane Fonda right
6. Kayakers
7. Dancing crab
8. Lateral toe touch
9. Bent over row or single leg row (20 seconds for each leg if doing single legs)
Single leg bent over row
4. Stretch. At least 30 seconds per movement per side.
1. Hamstring stretch
2. Low lunge
3. Pigeon
4. Supine twist
5. Standing quad stretch
6. Standing wall chest stretch
7. Standing calf stretch