Running vs. Skiing Training Approaches

by GRP Trail Runner Britta Clark

Britta on her way to winning the 30k skate race at the 2025 Craftsbury Marathon.

Hello, friends of Craftsbury! GRP runner Britta Clark here.

Though my main athletic focus these days is running, I spent my high school and college years primarily as a Nordic skier. For this month’s blog, I want to reflect on three differences I’ve seen in training approaches between these two sports. I’ll try to comment on “who does it better, running or skiing?” Ultimately, both have strengths and weaknesses, and I believe runners and skiers alike can benefit from incorporating aspects of each other’s training methods. Of course, these are broad generalizations about how the two sports operate, but I think it’s worth reflecting on.

Time vs. Miles

One of the biggest differences I noticed when transitioning to running is how training volume is measured. Runners track their training in miles, while skiers primarily track by time. High-level runners sometimes aim for 100-mile weeks, whereas similarly advanced skiers sometimes target 24-hour training weeks. I must admit, I think in miles these days. But I also try to say attuned to how much time I am training each week, especially if I’m mixing in cross-training or slower trail miles. Taking a time-based approach reduces the tendency to push pace just to hit a mileage goal. Every runner has felt the pull to speed up an easy run to squeeze in extra miles before another commitment! 

Racing Volume

As a general rule, skiers race far more frequently than runners. It’s common for skiers to race multiple times per weekend for several weeks in a row. Runners, on the other hand, tend to be more selective, building toward key races with a structured training cycle that includes a peak and taper. This difference makes sense given that running imposes greater mechanical stress and injury risk. That said, I think that incorporating more frequent, sometimes low-stakes racing can be beneficial, and I’ve tried the past few seasons to race in circumstances when I don’t feel ‘ready.’ For one thing, racing is an excellent training stimulus. For another, each race is an opportunity to learn something. In addition, racing regularly helps take the pressure off of individual events. 

Spending Time in All Heart Rate Zones

So far, I’ve defended the ‘skier’s approach.’ But here’s one place where I think runners might have an edge. A fundamental principle in endurance sports is that most training should be easy. Beyond that, I’ve noticed that runners tend to structure their intensity distribution more precisely. The uniformity of pacing in running workouts makes it easier to target specific heart rate zones, and really get a feel for the difference between, say, a 6:30 minute mile and a 6:20 minute mile (or 9:30 and 10 minutes). In doing workouts that contain slight variation in paces, I’ve really been able to get a sense of how my body recovers from a given effort, and the relationship between pace and heart rate. 

Final Thoughts

There are many other differences between the two sports that are worth reflecting on: skiing and running approach strength and cross training, heat training, fueling, recovery, and many other variables in slightly different ways, and the above reflections have papered over many differences between training philosophies within sports. At the end of the day, I think the best athletes are adaptable and take the time to experiment, drawing wisdom from multiple disciplines to figure out what works for their body and circumstances.