Results: TNR #8
David Moody hammering to the finish
Last Updated: 27.Feb.2018
This week's Tuesday Night Race had an added bonus: a biathlon option! There were two races simultaneously-a 5k running backwards on the homologated race course and a 4 stage biathlon race on the north end of Lemon's Haunt.
Reverse Homologated 5k Men's Podium:
1) Ollie Burruss 14:02
2) Wes Vear 15:31
3) Makail Tipton 15:35
Reverse Homologated 5k Women's Podium:
1) Carrie Nourjian 19:04
2) Maggie McGee 19:25
3) Jennifer McIlvane 19:57
Biathlon Men's Podium:
1) Bjorn Westervelt 22:00
2) Nils Koons 22:23
3) Leo Circosta
Biathlon Women's Podium:
1) Amelia Circosta 27:52
2) Ruth Krebs 28:03
3) Naia Tower-Pierce 33:10
See full results for ski race here, biathlon race here, and over season standings so far here.
Racing continues next week with a Ski Orienteering, to coincide with the Ski-O World Cup taking place here next week. More details to come.