Range Ramblin' BKL'ers
Most of the crew! (Photo Dave Priganc)
Last Updated: 23.Jan.2018
On Saturday, a crew of Craftsbury BKL’ers went to Jericho for the Range Ramble skate race. Our youngest racers hit the course first in the 3rd and 4th grade races. Soren Stelma Leonard was 2nd in the boys 3rd and 4th race and Livia Padulo was 8th in the girls 3rd and 4th race. In the boys 5th and 6th grade race, Owen Jones was 1st, Sage Grossi was 3rd, and Lucian Padulo was 10th. In the girls 5th and 6th race, Ani Leahy was 1st, followed closely by Isabel Linton. Emily Linton was 5th and Siri Dunn was 8th. In the 7th and 8th grade boys race, Trey Jones started a Craftsbury podium of finishes, as Cormac Leahy followed him in 2nd and Orion Cenkl in 3rd. Linden Stelma Leonard wasn’t far behind in 8th. See full results here. BKL and junior racing continues this weekend with the Craftsbury Marathon!