Endurathon 2022: West Side Story
Masters campers enjoying Willoughby’s North Beach
By Susan Dunklee, COC Running Director
Sometimes it’s okay to change things up. This year we tried to keep the best parts of Craftsbury’s long-standing Endurathon tradition but we tweaked the route to find quieter roads. Instead of exploring the east side of Willoughby Lake, we tried out the west side. Our route still started on the south end of the lake and finished at the North Beach much like past years, however our hiking route went over Mt. Hor instead of Pisgah Mountain. Mt. Hor features a steady but gentle climb up old CCC roads and hiking trails to an incredible vista overlooking Vermont’s “fjord.” Hikers enjoyed a nice panorama of the Pisgah cliffs before continuing along a gentle descent on the mountain’s back side to Big Valley Lane. At that point the running portion of the day began. It featured quiet roads with minimal traffic. The west side running route winds through cow pastures and maple-lined dirt roads before dropping campers down to the North Beach for a post-workout swim and picnic lunch. As in years past we stopped for ice cream on the way home - Barton’s new(ish) Sweet Scoops ice cream shop is a welcome treat!
Looking out at the Pisgah cliffs (photo: Tom Yezerski)
High School #1 campers hiking in their new Craftsbury socks
All Comers enjoying the Mt. Hor overlook
The hike to run transition point: bear crossing or high schooler crossing?…
… apparently it’s a puppy crossing. This little pup visited both Masters and All Comers campers
Pastures along Big Valley Lane (photo: Tom Yezerski)
The view on Big Valley Lane might be worth a look backwards.
Sometimes the gift exchange comes in handy, especially if you go home with a pink flamingo floatie
All Comers on the North Beach
Masters at Sweet Scoops
Sweet Scoops’ firetruck was a bit hit…
… for campers of all ages